Maas’s captivating fantasy, “A Court of Thorns and Roses.” This thrilling tale follows Feyre Archeron, a fierce huntress who stumbles…
House of Earth and Blood: Crescent City, Book 1
House of Earth and Blood begins in the bustling city of Lunation, a place where magic and technology coexist. “Embarking…
The Help Book controversy
The Help Book controversy is a compelling novel written by Kathryn Stockett, set in Jackson, Mississippi, during the early 1960s.…
The Book Summary Verity
“Verity,” composed by Colleen Hoover, is a grasping thrill ride that investigates the flimsy line between truth and fiction. The…
Book Summary: Iron Flame
Iron Flame is a holding story set in a tragic future where innovation has progressed with the eventual result of…