Secret to Losing Weight fast and easy start today

I was struggling to lose weight for more than 10 years.
I do bodybuilding, and a bit of cardio, but I don’t like cardio, and I hate running too because of a back injury.
In 2012, I asked some of my bodybuilder friends, but unfortunately, their advice didn’t work out for me.
I then started looking online for the best ways to do it.
I tried every school out there that focuses on limiting calorie intake, others that focus on sports to burn calories, I installed some food tracking apps on my phone, did high intensity workouts, I even purchased some products that claim will help me lose weight, but nothing worked.
At the end, I was having a hard time keeping my weight from increasing..
But I did not give up. No, that is unacceptable..
My motto is : If someone else did it, YOU CAN TOO.
I kept looking online for month, then I stumbled upon a method that was in front of my eyes the whole time, but is being suppressed by the supplements and sport equipment companies for decades..
why kept so secret?
Because this method is simply not marketable at all..It doesn’t require you to purchase any medications or supplements, training programs, special foods , sport equipment or personal training services at all..
Thus, these companies created all kinds of propaganda to suppress it, so that they don’t lose a great deal of their market.
What is this secret method that has been used for thousands of years ?
Simple.. It is called Intermittent fasting..
Step 1: What Is Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting is:
“The act of willingly abstaining from some or all food and in some cases drink for a period of time.”
By abstaining from eating, the human body will use its fat reserves to burn energy, resulting in Fat loss.
I will not go too much in detail concerning this topic, I will however give you the practical side, so you can start applying it immediately.
Who can use this method?
everyone, except children under 15 years of age.
For People with Diabetes, although I know many people who have diabetes have been on Intermittent fasting and had very good results, including getting better with the diabetes, I suggest you consult with your doctors, maybe it’s just not suitable for your condition.
Is it safe?
yes. definitely.
Step 2: Types of Intermittent Fasting

There are around 5-6 different ways you can fast.
Here I will mention the most common and beneficial:
* Lean gains (16/8 hours fast/feed). — Most fasters favorite method.
* The Fast-5 Diet. (19/5 hours fast/feed).
* The Warrior Diet (20/4 hours fast/feed).
* Eat Stop Eat (24 hours fasting, 1-2x/week). — I recommend this method to maintain your weight after You’ve reached your goal, or if you decide to gain more muscle
Step 3: Lean Gains (16/8 Hrs Fast/feed)

With this method, You will be fasting for 16 hours, and feeding for 8.
The best timing for it in my opinion, is to stop consuming food and calorific drinks at 08:00 PM, and to start the next day at 12:00 (at noon).
You can do 18.00 to 10.00 if you like.
you can choose any timing as long as the eating window is still 08 hours.
Step 4: The Adaptation Period

You probably have been having breakfast all your life.
For your body to learn to skip it, it will need to adapt.
how do you do that? Very simple.
Start by stopping to eat at 08:00 PM ( if this this the window you chose), the next day, in the morning, you will eventually start to feel hungry.
Stay fasted, until you can’t anymore, then have your breakfast.
have your dinner at 08:00 PM.
With days to come, your body will start adapting to this new lifestyle , and after a while, you will be able to fast until noon.
Side note
As long as you have an ounce of fat on your body, you don’t need to have breakfast…ever.. telling people that breakfast is mandatory for their health is a lie that came from the same propaganda that suppressed this method.

Secret to Losing Weight While fasting
While fasting, you can consume all kinds of non-calorific drinks, like water, coffee, tea, cola zero if you like and others.
You may use sweeteners instead of sugar, I recommend Stevia instead of Aspartame.
While fasting, you may consume 50kcal Max, (a small sugar spoon if you hate sweeteners..).
If you consume more, you will get out of the fasting mode.
Why is it important to stay fasted?
When you are fasting, your body consumes your fat reserves more efficiently than when you aren’t.
While Feeding
Secret to Losing Weight You may consume anything you like. What is so nice about this method, is that it is not a diet, you are free to consume anything you like :). Isn’t that awesome?
Do not Starve yourself please.
I know many people who were so astonished by this method’s results, that they got greedy and tried to accelerate it by eating less and less..
That is not good at all.. because when the body starves, it starts to break down our HARD EARNED MUSCLES for energy and you will eventually hit a plateau..
You should aim to lose between 2-3 kg (4.5 to 6.5 pounds) per month. More means your muscles are disappearing along with your fat.
What to eat
Here, I would like to take the opportunity to tell you, that if you improve your food selection, your results will be much faster and your health and energy levels much better!
What not to eat
Improve your food selection, by eliminating all sugars and products containing refined sugar and by reducing salt.
is a highly addictive product, sadly as addictive as nicotine and it is high in unnecessary calories that will slow down your progress.
Secret to Losing Weight Reduce Salt in your food.the maximum recommended salt intake is 5 grams (1 teaspoon) per day.. when you consume more, it poisons your body, and the body starts to retain water to reduce the salt density in it in order to prevent itself from being poisonned.
Allergies and sensitivities