The truth about rinsing salmon.

Do you need to rinse salmon before cooking?
While salmon is a delicious and nutritious fish, there’s a debate about rinsing it before cooking. Contrary to popular belief, rinsing can actually spread bacteria.

Here’s how to handle salmon at home:
- Bring it home: Get your salmon home from the market quickly and store it in the refrigerator or freezer until ready to cook.
- Skip the rinse: Pat the salmon dry with paper towels to remove any surface moisture. This helps with even cooking.
- Get cooking: Now you’re ready to sear, roast, bake, or cook your fish however you like!
Bonus: Salmon is a versatile fish that’s easy to prepare and perfect for a healthy weeknight meal.
Salmon Sense: Should You Rinse Before Cooking?
Seafood Expert Says Skip the Rinse, Embrace the Sear!
Hold on a second, are you rinsing your salmon before cooking? Me too, turns out it’s not the best move. According to a trusted seafood expert, rinsing can actually spread bacteria around your kitchen! Who knew? The good news is, cooking the salmon all the way through takes care of any bad stuff.
Fresh Fish, No Rinse Necessary!

So, whether you’ve got wild-caught or farm-raised , ditch the rinse. The best way to check for freshness? Look for moist flesh and don’t hesitate to ask the fishmonger for a sniff test. If it smells off, keep swimming and pick another!
Hold on, rinsing might actually be making things worse! I was talking to this seafood expert, Dr. Farzad, and she said the water splashing around can actually spread bacteria from the fish all over your kitchen. Yuck! That’s why most food safety folks say to skip the rinse altogether.
But hey, if you’re really set on rinsing it anyway, Dr. Farzad says to be super careful. Use cold water and be quick about it. Make sure your sink is sparkling clean before you even start, and for goodness sake, disinfect everything – the sink, the counter, anything that even got a splash – after you’re done. And be extra careful not to let the fish touch anything else in the kitchen while you’re rinsing or after. Just sayin’, there might be a better way to go about it!
“Listen, forget about rinsing salmon to get the skin off! It’s a waste of time, and honestly, crispy salmon skin is the best part. Here’s the trick: just cook that salmon skin-down in a hot pan. Trust me, the skin will practically fall off on its own by the time you’re done.

Now, if you’re really set on removing the skin before cooking, you gotta grab a nice sharp knife and work on some dry fish. Chillin it in the fridge for a bit can help firm it up and make the job easier.”